Thursday, June 14, 2007

Update from VATC Citizens Committee

Most everyone received an email regarding the VATC Citizens Committee and the progress report. I will post it here on the blog for future reference in the archives.

The VATC Citizens Committee has had several meetings to review the concerns that have been raised by residents. Changes have occurred since the meeting of the homeowners on March 24, 2007. The major change was the employment by the developers of MRI Management Company to manage the Homeowners Association. As a result The Citizens Committee will meet with this Company on an “as needed” basis to discuss concerns of the residents.

It seems appropriate at this time to restate our purpose and the reason for the committee to exist. At some time in the future the residents will be required to take over and run the Homeowners Association, or preferably to contract with a management company to help manage the Association. When this happens it will go much smoother if we have some experience and knowledge of the events and problems that have occurred previous to assuming this responsibility. The second reason is to allow for a liaison with the developer, and/or the management company contracted by the developer, until the residents take control of the Association.

MRI management Company has suggested that we have a set of rules and regulations that we can come to a consensus on and that they can use to guide them in the management of the Homeowners Association. It is the intention of the Citizens Committee to work with them to make sure we have workable and understandable rules. These rules will augment and condense the original by-laws and covenants.

Since we are all individuals with individual needs, tastes and preferences we will take this into consideration in creating a harmonious and workable set of rules and responsibilities that would benefit our community as a whole.

The key words here are harmony, responsibility, individuality and community. Our vision is that we come to a consensus that will be comfortable and enjoyable by all of us who call Village at Tinker Creek home.

Any changes in the by-laws or covenants must be approved by the Board of Directors (currently the developer, Chad McGee).

The Citizens Committee will keep you informed of our progress on the above matters.

Maurice Barnhart
Kate Hill
Ray Kasey
Ed Scullin
Kathy Tillander

1 comment:

Patsy Stewart said...

Please note that Kathy Tillander's email was incorrect. It has been updated to her correct email.

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