Sunday, March 25, 2007

Newly Formed Village at Tinker Creek Citizens Committee

Today was a big day as 54 homeowners met and resulted in the formation of the new Village at Tinker Creek Citizens Committee. Street Representatives were elected and they will be the voice of the Village as they bring our HOA issues to the powers that be!

Much appreciation to Maurice Barnhart for facilitating the meeting. Thanks also to Rod Furr for taking the minutes of the meeting. Rod will make sure everyone gets a copy of the minutes.

I am very optimistic that our newly elected street representatives will serve our citizens committee well. The representatives are Maurice Barnhart, Ed Scullin, Kate Hill, Ray Casey and Kathy Tillander. Thanks to each of these people for giving their time to our cause!

The social committee is working on some social events to kick off the spring season. Janie will let us know the dates so we can mark our calendars. Be watching for further posts!

Have you noticed how beautiful the drive down Plantation Road is. The Bradford Pears are in full bloom! Anyone who has a picture send it to me and I will post it! >>talking to you Felix!!

Until next time....Have a good week!

1 comment:

mbarncpa said...

Hi Patsy,

Thanks for the kind words about the meeting Sunday. It was exciting to see us come together and create a structure that will benefit us all. We are blossoming along with the pear trees.

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