Thursday, June 21, 2007

Space Shuttle Viewed from Tinker Creek

If you missed out on the space shutte view Wednesday or Thursday nights you are in luck! You will have one more opportunity to see the shuttle and the space station as they pass over Roanoke on Firday evening.

We have a perfect view from the Village at Tinker Creek. According to the WDBJ7 link you can view the space station and the shuttle on Friday night at 10:01 in the WNW skies at 24 degrees. They wil be traveling South. You will be able to see it for about 2 minutes so be outside early.

We enjoyed watching it tonight as they passed over the Village at Tinker Creek on the longest day of the year and the first day of summer. Take your lounge chair out and invite your neighbors to join you and make a party of it! How often do you have the opportunity to see such a sight!

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