Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I was asked recently to post a few pictures of our little boy who will soon be turning 2. Many of you showered him with prayers and well wishes when he was born and beyond. He is our daily reminder that there is a Wonderful and Gracious God that gives miracles to the undeserving every day. Kees is doing VERY WELL and was developed a knack for harassing his sister...
Thank you for your support and neighborly love!

Monday, April 20, 2009

New Neighbor On South Battery Drive


For those of you who are not aware Star City Developers recently sold the last and most recently built home on South Battery Drive. Join me in welcoming our new neighbors Bruce and Amira Parker.

The Parkers moved into 702 South Battery Drive in mid March. They bought their new home on March 4, 2009 and were still moving in when Louise and I returned from Florida on March 15, 2009. They are apparently avid Maryland fans. Mike Stewart will no doubt appreciate having another Maryland fan in the community.

The ACC rivalry potential is intriguing. This year's ACC Football and Basketball season should be interesting now that we have several colleges besides Virginia Tech and Virginia represented in the Village. Louise and I look forward to the potential ACC rivalry and we are looking forward to the Football season not to mention next year's Basketball season.

The talk of the neighborhood is no doubt focused on the recent announcement that effective May 1, 2009 we have a $120 HOA assessment due as well as a 43% increase in HOA monthly dues.

Are Louise and I the only ones surprised by the letter recently received from Star City Developers? Sooner or later the fees were expected to increase; but an increase by 43% with such short notice seems relatively brutal.

We recently lost the cost of garbage collection which must have been a relatively big cost to the HOA and there are many more of us to share the burden of the HOA dues. Why are our HOA fees going up so drastically?

If on-going increases in maintenance costs is the reason for the dramatic increase, what has the HOA association done to reduce costs? Yes, we no longer have garbage collection costs; but exactly why did it take so long to get Roanoke County to start picking up?

Snow removal has not been a significant burden for years and to look at the common ground between my home and Plantation Road one would think that not a lot has been expended on common ground maintenance.

What are we going to get for our money? What additional benefits will be forthcoming because we kick in the demanded $120 assessment and the 43% increase in monthly dues? Let's hear from anyone else who has questions or answers!


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